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Dungeon Legacy
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Nogi was never one for figuring out a problem.  She's a woman of action.  Once she takes a job, she is honor bound to complete it regardless what events might occur to change the situation. So don't be too hard on her for her reaction to the bickering.  Even if her reason isn't the more logical, she does have an important point.

You can see a video of me painting the background of this page on YouTube:

Painting Page 170

By George Ward

Webcomic WAR! George Ward

The webcomic war has started.  The theme this year is evil genus, so I have allowed my villains to run the battle.  You can help by writing a short review of Dungeon Legacy and posting it where people can see it.  Send me the link or post it in the comments below so I have a list of all the reviews. You can find all the rules here:

Webcomic War

You can always spread the word about how great Dungeon Legacy is. The more people who know about my webcomic, the better it can be.


Post a message and let me know what you think

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